Monday, 10 June 2013

Money Does Bring Me Happiness

So there is that old saying 'money doesn't bring you happiness' etc. which I understand is all about enjoying the things money can't bring like friendship and love. But the fact is, for me money does bring me happiness. You can call me materialistic but in today's world, you can buy basically anything and if you don't have money, what have you got? Sure you may be in love but if you don't have a house to go home at night you can't kid yourself that you would be happy surely?

This all began as today I realised I had run out of money big time. I had a bit of money saved up from my job I had at Christmas and a savers account that my mum created for me when I was younger and today I discovered (embarrassingly from a shop where my card was declined!) that my money had virtually run out. Now, I am 18 years old and still live at home and am unemployed due to my parents wanting me to focus on exams. But the problem is  that I am actually quite independent when it comes to buying things. I buy all birthday presents, clothes, make-up and driving lessons by myself which is great when I had an income and saved up money, but now with no job, its no surprise that the money has run dry.

So like any teenager, I panicked. I think this is because I had got used to a lifestyle where if I wanted something, I could whack out my plastic card and buy it. It wouldn't be big things- I am a big believer in buying items in the sale but it's the little things that I think have made the biggest dent in my bank account as I would purchase things more regularly thinking it doesn't matter as it is less then £10. This was okay up until this month. With 4 of my best friends turning 18 in the space of a week and fathers day, driving lessons and buying myself things for the summer, its all caught up. And I still have prom to sort out!

So what am I going to do?

So after a huge and I mean huge freak out I have decided to stop being a drama queen and do something about my situation. I worked out that this week alone I needed £44 for driving lessons, £10 for fathers day and £20 to go out for my friends birthday. So that's £74 alone this week?! And how was I going to get that? Well you can't get anything for nothing these days so I have decided to roll up my sleeves and work for it! Unfortunately you can't just magic up a job however I have asked my Godmother (or should I say Fairy Godmother? Ahaha! .... Sorry...) to do some cleaning at her house, my mother to do some cleaning in my house and my friend has offered to loan me money on the agreement that I pay it back as soon as money touches my hands (so no walking past/into/or close to any shops!) I won't be getting a lot of money for these jobs. It will be poorly paid but that is expected considering it's family and they are doing me the favour but the fact is, I am doing something about this situation rather then carrying on spending until I am run dry and in an even worse situation.

Time to get working!

Love Just Al xxx

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