Sunday, 2 June 2013

Food Experiments

As a child I was.. lets say a bit porky.. I used to love food (well still do!) yet my mum would never allow things like fizzy drinks or biscuits in the house. However this meant that whenever I went to birthday parties or to my friend's house, I would always go a bit OTT on food by putting everything on one plate and trying a bit of this and that. I was also that weird kid who used to 'experiment' with food. Like by mixing different fizzy drinks together or making a crisp/chocolate/cheese sandwich. Thankfully as the years have passed, the puppy fat has disappeared and so has my weird and frankly disgusting food experiments! However I still like to try combination of new foods together. Like at the moment I LOVE apples and peanut butter together. Some of you may think that sounds gross but somehow the sweetness of the apple slices against the peanut butter really works (yes I realise I am going into Nigella Lawson mode.. sorry) I also love Philadelphia (which is a cream cheese) with raisons on crackers. Yes I realise how odd that sounds but I really would recommend it!

Forever a Fatty inside,

Love Just Al xxx
This was me when I was 9!

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