Wednesday 18 September 2013

Flying out of the Nest

Hello there! I feel like I haven't posted for a long time :( Sorry if you feel like I have abandoned you but that is not the case! I just have been super super busy at the moment. Why? Because I am officially leaving the nest and flying out into the big, scary world in just a few days! EEEKK! Yes, I am departing from the comforts of my lovely home to go to University. But, I've decided I'm not going alone. Instead I am taking you with me! As I plan to start a new chapter in my life, I have decided to start a new chapter on my blog as well. I plan to document my student life on my blog in a new 'Student Chronicle'. The first section will be all about my university room hauls, then to night-life, fashion and finally the actual studying! So what do you say? Are you ready to enter the big wide world with me? Then let's beginnnn!!!!!

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